Shelterluv uses manufacturer information to understand which disease components are present in a specific vaccine product in order to display completed vaccinations and scheduled boosters based on the diseases that the animal is protected against.
For example, by completing a vaccination using a combination product, Duramune Lyme + Max 5-CvK/4L, we know that this animal is protected against 7 different diseases:
- DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus)
- Coronavirus
- Lyme
- Leptospirosis
By splitting each disease component into a separate item, it is easy to understand what each animal is already protected against or may be due for and can help prevent over-vaccination of the same disease component.
Shelterluv will update the due date for each item based on the next vaccine product that is administered.
For example, if a different combination product is used on the booster date, such as Duramune Lyme + Max 5-CvK, which does not contain protection against Leptospirosis, this specific disease component will still appear overdue while the others will be completed and updated with a new booster date: