How to Use the Adoption Transactions Detail Quick Report

Quick reports are Shelterluv's standard, prebuilt reports that you can easily run without any report building. Once run, certain quick reports can be filtered, but they cannot be edited or customized.

If you need a more customized report, please use Shelterluv's Custom Reports.

This article will cover the Adoption Transactions Detail quick report under the Accounting tab in your quick reports. You can find all of the other quick reports in the Quick Reports section of the help center.

Each quick report has its own default sorting, but you can click any column header to quickly sort the report by that column in ascending or descending order. Additionally, each quick report can be exported to Excel, printed, or downloaded as a PDF.

Click your Username > Analysis & Reports > Accounting to get started.

What user permissions do I need to run quick reports?

  • Reporting

The Adoption Transactions Detail quick report will show all adoption transactions that have occurred during the selected date range. You will see one row per adoption transaction, including all adopted animals in that transaction.

Adoption Transactions Detail Report.png

At the top of the report, you can use the Payment Type(s) filter to filter the report to only show Shelterpay or non-Shelterpay adoption transactions.

Adoption Transactions Detail Report Filters.png