How to Build a Transport List

Building a transport list will help you quickly generate a list of animals to be included in a transport, with each animal's important medical and behavioral details filled in for you from their Shelterluv record. If you were previously filling out a transport manifest spreadsheet manually, this functionality should save you hours of work!

The format of the transport list has been built to include all the key details needed for the ASPCA's transport manifest template. This list will pre-fill all the columns of the template for you from the animal's record, including basic animal details, behavior assessments, specific vaccines, specific diagnostic tests, microchip number, and more.

Get started by clicking the Partners tab on your main dashboard.

What user permissions do I need to build a transport list?

  • Create & edit animal records

Build the List

Follow these steps to build a transport list:

  1. On the main dashboard building-outline.svg Partners tab, click the transport-outline.svg Build Transport List button.
  2. Check the box next to each in custody animal that needs to be added to the list, and click the green transport-outline.svg Generate List button.
  3. An Excel file will automatically download to your device containing all the animals' basic animal details, behavior assessments, specific vaccines, specific diagnostic tests, microchip number, and more.

Build Transport List.gif

Included Transport List Columns

The downloaded file will contain the following pre-filled columns as long as the selected animals have that data on their record:

  • Location
  • Animal ID
  • Animal Name
  • Species
  • Breed
  • Date of Birth
  • Sex
  • Weight (lbs)
  • Intake Type
  • Intake Date
  • Color / Pattern
  • Secondary Color
  • DHPP or FVRCP Date(s)
  • Bordetella Date(s)
  • Lepto Date(s)
  • Rabies Date(s)
  • Behavior Assessment Type & Date Performed
  • HW Status
  • FIV Status
  • FeLV Status
  • HW Date Tested OR FeLV/FIV Date Tested
  • HW Preventative and Date(s) Given
  • Microchip Number
  • Flea/Tick Product and Date(s) Given
  • Dewormer and Date(s) Given
  • Other Internal Parasite Treatment(s) & Date(s) Given
  • Health Cert Date
  • Notes (The Notes column is pre-filled with data from the system-default Transport List memo type)
  • Animal Photo (link)