How to Process a Medical Outcome for Unassisted Death in Custody

This article will provide a complete walkthrough of processing a medical outcome for an unassisted death in custody from start to finish.

Get started by navigating to the animal record that needs to be outcomed.

What user permissions do I need to process a deceased outcome?

  • Create & edit animal records

What do I need to configure before I process a deceased outcome?


Learn your way

Prefer watching over reading? Check out the video below!

Process the outcome

Follow these steps to process an unassisted death in custody outcome:

  1. From the animal record, click the medical-outline.svg Medical tab.
  2. Click the Outcome as Deceased button and choose Unassisted Death in Custody from the dropdown menu.
  3. Fill out your configured unassisted death in custody outcome form and click the green Complete Outcome button.

Unassisted Death in Custody Outcome.gif