How to Intake Multiple Animals

Shelterluv makes it easy to process multiple intakes at the same time. Whether you need to intake several new animals that haven't been entered into your account yet, or re-intake existing animals, we got you covered!

Please note that this article does not provide a step-by-step guide for each intake type. You find that by clicking here.

What user permissions do I need to process intakes?

  • Create & edit animal records
  • View, edit & create people records

What do I need to configure before I process intakes?

Intaking Multiple New Records

If you are completing an intake form for a new animal record you will see two buttons at the bottom of the form - Create Record and Create & Intake More

You should use the Create & Intake More button when you are completing multiple intakes for the same person or partner record.

Once you click that button, you will be presented with three options. Click each tab below for details on each:

  • Use this to intake littermate(s). Details from the first animal will be copied over to each intake form to speed up data entry - you can edit individual fields as needed.

    At the top of the intake form, you will see Littermate #2, Littermate #3, etc., to help keep track of which littermate you are on if you're intaking a large litter.

    When you're intaking the final littermate, click the green Create Record button instead of the Create & Intake More button.

    Intake Multiple - Litter.gif

  • Use this to intake another animal that came in with the first one but is not a littermate. Details will be copied over to each intake form - you can edit individual fields as needed.

    At the top of the intake form, you will see Cloned Animal #2, Cloned Animal #3, etc., to help keep track of which animal you are on if you're intaking a large number of animals at once.

    When you're intaking the final animal, click the green Create Record button instead of the Create & Intake More button.

    Intake Multiple - Clone.gif

  • Use this to quickly create exact copies of the first animal without editing any individual fields right now. This can be helpful if you're entering large transports and you're short on time, for example.

    Enter the number of animals you need to copy and click the green Create Record button.

    Intake Multiple - Quick Clone.gif

Re-intaking Multiple Animals

You can re-intake multiple animals in your account at the same time, as long as they are associated with the same person or partner.

You cannot re-intake animals at the same time if they are associated with different person or partner records.

Click each tab below to view steps for re-intaking multiple animals at the same time from a person or partner:

  • Follow these steps to re-intake multiple animals from a person record at the same time:

    1. On the person record, click the green outline-add-circle.svg Add Animal Event button and choose the appropriate intake type.
    2. Check or uncheck the boxes next to each animal you need to re-intake, click the green Continue button, and complete your configured intake form for each animal you checked.

    Re-intake Multiple - Person Record.gif

  • If your partner is a Shelterluv customer, they should process an outcome in their account to your organization to avoid duplicate animal records. Follow these steps to re-intake multiple animals from a non-Shelterluv partner record at the same time:

    1. On the partner record, check the boxes next to each animal that needs to be re-intaked, and click the green intake-outline.svg Re-Intake button.
    2. Choose the appropriate intake type, complete the intake form, and click the green Complete Re-Intake button.

    Re-intake Multiple - Partner Record.gif