Shopping Cart Manager Overview

This article will provide an overview of your shopping cart and the Shopping Cart Manager. You can find a walkthrough of processing Shelterpay transactions and how each Shelterpay method works here - How to Process a Transaction Through Shelterpay.

What user permissions do I need to access the Shopping Cart Manager?

  • View, edit & create people records
  • Create & edit animal records
  • Process adoptions & purchases
  • Configure my shelter and its users (only needed if you need to view other Shelterluv users' pending transactions)

Shopping Cart

You can access your cart by starting a transaction from a person record or by completing an intake or outcome that has a checkout associated with it.

You can find a complete walkthrough of that process here - How to Process a Transaction Through Shelterpay.

Below is an overview of each part of your cart. Use the green Next button to navigate to the next slide.

Shopping Cart Manager

You can access your Shopping Cart Manager by clicking the cart-outline.svg Cart button in the menu bar at the top of your screen.

This will show you all pending transactions in your Shelterluv account.

You need the Configure my shelter and its users user permission in order to view and edit other Shelterluv users transactions.

Transactions can be in one of three statuses in your Shopping Cart Manager:

  1. Draft - Drafts represent a cart that you or another user has started, but has not been sent to the customer.
  2. Checkout Sent - This means the Shelterpay checkout has been sent to the customer but has not been completed by them yet.
  3. Pending Completion - Pending Completion means the customer has completed the checkout and submitted payment. From here, you can click "Complete Transaction" and send the customer important documents, like a receipt or contract.

Shopping Cart Manager.png

You can edit, delete, or resend a checkout by clicking the three dots on the right of the transaction. If you resend or edit the checkout, it will invalidate the link that was previously sent to the customer.

Delete or Resend Checkout.gif