How to Process a Custody Change to a Person or Partner

Shelterluv gives you the ability to process a custody change for outcomed animals in your account, both to a person and to a partner record.

What user permissions do I need to process a custody change?

  • Create & edit animal records
  • View, edit & create people records

What do I need to configure before I process a custody change?

Before you get started, it is important to note that you can only change an animal's custody when it is outcomed. If the animal is currently in your care, you will not have the option to process a custody change.

Process the Custody Change

You can change the custody of an outcomed animal to another person or a partner. You can do this from either the current owner's record or from the animal's record. The process differs depending on which option you choose.

Click each tab below to see both options:

  • Follow these steps to process a custody change from a person record:

    1. From the person record's paw.svg Animals tab, click the green outline-add-circle.svg Add Animal Event button and choose change.svg Custody Change to Person or change.svg Custody Change to Partner.
    2. Check the box next to the appropriate animal(s) and click the green Continue button.
    3. In the Custody Change form, enter the date, the reason for the custody change, the new owner or partner, and click the green Save button.

    Custody Change From Person to Person.gif

  • Follow these steps to process a custody change from an animal record:

    1. From the animal record's history.svg History > Caretakers tab, click the green Custody Change to Person or Custody Change to Partner button.
    2. In the Custody Change form, enter the date, the reason for the custody change, the new owner or partner, and click the green Save button.

    Custody Change From Person to Person From Animal Record.gif