24Petwatch Microchip Registration Overview

Unlike our other microchip integrations, 24Petwatch does not utilize our API. Instead, 24Petwatch uploads your microchip data through FTP.

Because of this, your 24Petwatch integration will update nightly rather than almost instantly, like our other microchip integrations.

How to Set Up Your 24Petwatch Integration

Before you begin, email the 24Petwatch team at clientcare@pethealthinc.com to submit a request for FTP credentials and include your group name, chip provider, and My24Pet.com account email.

Please note that these FTP credentials are NOT the same as your organization's Found.org account, and your my24pet.com email address has to match the Transfer Point of Contact email address you've configured in Shelterluv.  

Once you receive those credentials, follow these steps to set up and enable your 24Petwatch integration:

  1. Click your Username > Configuration > Integrations.
  2. Click the outline-edit.svg pencil icon to the right of the 24Petwatch/Pethealth section.
  3. In the form, enter the email address associated with your registry account and the FTP username and password that you received from 24Petwatch. Then, decide if you want to exclude in-custody animals from your uploads and enable the auto-upload.

Enable 24Petwatch Integration.png

Events that Trigger Microchip Registration


If a chip is added to the animal's record, either at the point of intaking or via the animal's record while in your custody, it will be included in the upload.

If an animal is already in your custody and you need to update/edit its microchip, you should delete the current microchip and then click the outline-add-circle.svg Add Microchip button. Once you add the new microchip, it will be included in the next nightly upload.


When an animal with a microchip is adopted, returned to owner, or serviced out to a person record, the microchip will be included in the next nightly upload.

If the microchip is added or updated within 3 days of the outcome, including the day of the outcome, it will still be uploaded with the latest change. Example: If the outcome date is on January 1st, then changes up until January 3rd will be reflected in uploads.

At this point, the microchip's registration will be passed from your organization to the owner. The pet owner will receive an email confirmation once their registration is processed by 24Petwatch.

Events that do not Trigger Microchip Registration

  • Pre-intake animals with microchips on their records. The chip will be uploaded only once the animal's intake is completed.
  • Animals that are re-intaken with a microchip already on their record, e.g., an adopted animal with a registered microchip being returned. However, once the animal is outcomed again, the chip will be re-registered to the new owner.
  • Transfer outcomes and service outcomes to a partner will not register with the partner.
  • Custody changes (owner-to-owner or owner-to-partner)
  • Chips that are added or updated after the 3-day period will not be uploaded.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 24Petwatch can register any brand of microchip.
  • Auto-uploads for the 24Petwatch Registry run overnight every night. If you are testing to see if you have the correct credentials entered, you should be able to verify the next morning. However, we sometimes hear about processing times of up to 48 hours on the microchip registries' side. You can always contact them directly to verify that they are working to process your files.
  • If an animal has more than one microchip, only the most recently added chip will be uploaded, so you will need to manually register the other chip(s) through your 24Petwatch account. (The other option is to wait a day before adding subsequent chips.)

    When an animal has more than one microchip implanted, none of the chips are considered the "primary" because any one of them could be picked up by a universal microchip scanner first. This means it is important that each chip's registration is kept up-to-date.

  • If you take in stray animals or provide assistance with found pets, you may want to exclude animals in the shelter from auto-uploads so that the chip remains registered to the owner.

    If you enable the "Exclude animals in shelter from auto-uploads" option, then animals will not be registered until one of these qualifying events happens:

    • If you take in stray animals or provide assistance with found pets, you may want to exclude animals in the shelter from auto-uploads so that the chip remains registered to the owner.
    • If you enable the "Exclude animals in shelter from auto-uploads" option (don't forget to hit the blue "Save"), then animals will not be registered until one of these qualifying events happens:

Owner Information Uploaded to 24Petwatch

Intakes and animals in custody:

The microchip is registered using the information in the "My Organization" section of General Shelter Configurations.

  • Shelter Name
  • Street Address
  • Transfer Point of Contact's email address
  • Transfer Point of Contact's phone number

For outcomes:

The microchip is registered using the information from the pet owner's record. 

  • Full Name
  • Street Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number (If two phone numbers are on file, both will be included)

24Petwatch Contact Information

If you are experiencing any issues with your registry or problems with your auto-upload integration, you can contact 24Petwatch at: clientcare@pethealthinc.com