BuddyID Microchip Integration Overview

BuddyID utilizes Shelterluv's API to provide almost instant updates to your BuddyID registry account when you process an adoption outcome in Shelterluv.

To learn how to get an API key and send it to BuddyID, please take a look at How to Set Up Your Microchip Integration.

BuddyID's microchip registry integration is built by their team and is not managed by Shelterluv. We only provide BuddyID access to your data via our API once you request an API from our support team and send it to BuddyID. Since BuddyID built and manages the integration, you need to address any issues you may experience with them.

Information Needed for Proper Microchip Registration


  • Microchip number
  • Owner's first and last name
  • Address
  • Phone number (If two phone numbers are on the person record, both will be included.)
  • Email address

Strongly recommended

  • Animal name
  • Sex
  • Primary breed and, if possible, secondary breed
  • DOB
  • Weight

Events that Trigger Microchip Registration

At this time, BuddyID will only register a microchip when an adoption outcome is completed. All other outcomes and intakes will not register the microchip.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your organization can opt to have any brand microchip registered with BuddyID, free for life.
  • If an animal has more than one microchip, only the most recently added chip will be uploaded, so you will need to manually register the other chip(s) through your registry account. (The other option is to wait a day before adding subsequent chips.) When an animal has more than one microchip implanted, none of the chips are considered the "primary" because any one of them could be picked up by a universal microchip scanner first. This means it is important that each chip's registration is kept up-to-date.

BuddyID Contact Information

If you are experiencing any issues with your registry or problems with your auto-upload integration, you can contact BuddyID in the following ways:

  • Phone number: 985-898-0811, or, for their sales team: 800-434-2843
  • Email address: help@buddyid.com