How to Configure Your Field Services Memos and Memo Templates

Your Field and Community Services Module will come with 12 default memo templates that you can toggle on or off and create templates for to streamline your workflows.

Go to your Field Services module and click your Username > Configuration > Memos to get started.

What user permissions do I need to configure my Field Services memos?

  • Field & Community Services access (Shelterluv user permission to access the module)
  • Can edit configuration (Field Services module user permission)

How to Configure Your Default Memo Types

  • Follow these steps to toggle your Field Services memo types:

      1. From the Field Services Memos configuration, click the Memo Types tab.
      2. Click the eye show.svg on the right-hand side of any of the 12 system-default memo types to enable or disable it for your users. Use this feature to remove memo types your organization does not need.

    Toggle Memo Types.gif

    You cannot add additional memo types to the Field and Community Services Module at this time.
  • Follow these steps to set a default memo template for a memo type:

      1. From the Field Services Memos configuration, click the Memo Types tab.
      2. Click the red Set Default Template button on the right-hand side of the memo type.
      3. Click the Choose a template dropdown menu and select one of your configured memo templates (see the following section).

    Set Default Template.gif

    You will still be able to change to a different memo template as needed when adding a memo to a case or activity.

How to Configure Your Memo Templates

Follow these steps to add a new memo template:

  1. From the Field Services Memos configuration, click the Memo Templates tab.
  2. Click the red + Add New button.
  3. Give the template a name and enter the template text, then click the red Save button.

Create Memo Template.gif

You can edit an existing template by clicking the edit outline-edit.svg button or delete a template by clicking the trashcan outline-trash-delete.svg button.