How to Use the Unknown Person Unknown and Partner Unknown Records

Every Shelterluv account will come pre-loaded with a person record called Person Unknown. You also have the option to add the Partner record Partner Unknown to your list of partners.

Person Unknown

Use the Person Unknown record when you do not have the intake or outcome person's information. For example, you would use this person record if you were intaking an abandoned dog at your shelter or processing a historical adoption and no longer have the adopter's information.

If you had an import completed during your initial onboarding phase and were missing intake and outcome person information in your files, those records will be associated with the Person Unknown record.

Partner Unknown

Just like the Person Unknown person record, use the Partner Unknown partner record when you do not have the transfer partner's information but need to either complete a transfer intake or outcome for the animal(s).

If you had an import completed during your initial onboarding phase and were missing transfer partner information in your files, those transfer intakes or outcomes will be associated with the Partner Unknown record.