How to Add and Edit a Behavior Assessment

Behavior assessments can be added directly from the animal's record and allow your behavior specialists to record vital information before creating their behavior plan.

What user permissions do I need to add a behavior assessment to an animal record?

  • Create & edit animal records

What do I need to configure before I add a behavior assessment to an animal record?

Configuration is only accessible through a desktop or laptop. You cannot access the Configuration section on a mobile device.


Learn your way

Prefer watching over reading? Check out the video below!

How to Add a New Behavior Assessment

Follow these steps to add a behavior assessment to an animal record:

  1. From the animal record, click the Behavioral> Assessment tab.
  2. Click the green outline-add-circle.svg Add Assessment button and choose one of your configured behavior assessments from the dropdown menu.
  3. Fill out the Add Assessment form and click the green Add Assessment button.

Add Behavior Assessment.gif

How to Edit or Delete a Behavior Assessment

  • Follow these steps to edit a behavior assessment:

      1. From the animal record, click the Behavioral> Assessment tab.

      2. Click the three dots more-overflow.svg on the right-hand side of the behavior assessment and choose outline-edit.svg Edit from the dropdown menu.

      3. Make your adjustments in the Edit Assessment form and click the green Save button to save your changes.

    Edit Behavior Assessment.gif

  • Follow these steps to delete a behavior assessment:

      1. From the animal record, click the Behavioral> Assessment tab.

      2. Click the three dots more-overflow.svg on the right-hand side of the behavior assessment and choose outline-trash-delete.svg Delete from the dropdown menu.

      3. Read the warning and click the red Delete button.

    Delete Behavior Assessment.gif

    You cannot recover behavior assessments that you delete.

Behavior Assessment Document

After you add a behavior assessment to an animal record, the system-generated Behavior Assessments document will be available under the animal's Files tab.

Behavior Assessments Document.png


Behavior Assessments documents.png