How to Configure Your Behavior Check Reasons

Behavior checks can be requested from an animal’s record. This gives your team an easy way to alert others to potential issues (e.g., a sudden change in demeanor). This list of reasons will appear both to the person making the request and the person reviewing it in the Tasks interface.

Click your Username > Behavioral and Categories > Behavior Check Reasons to get started.

What user permissions do I need to configure behavior check reasons?

  • Configure my shelter and its users
Configuration is only accessible through a desktop or laptop. You cannot access the Configuration section on a mobile device.

How to Add a Behavior Check Reason

Follow these steps to configure a new behavior check reason:

  1. From the Behavior Check Reasons configuration subsection, click the outline-add-circle.svg Add Reason button.
  2. Enter the new reason's name and click the green checkmark check.svg button.

Add Behavior Check Reason.gif

How to Edit or Delete a Behavior Check Reason

  • Follow these steps to edit a new behavior check reason:

    1. Click directly on the underlined reason's name.
    2. Make your adjustments and click the green checkmark check.svg button to save your changes.

    Edit Behavior Check Reason.gif

  • Follow these steps to delete a new behavior check reason:

    1. Click the trashcan outline-trash-delete.svg on the right-hand side of the reason's name.
    2. Read the warning and click the red Delete button.

    Delete Behavior Check Reason.gif

    You cannot recover behavior check reasons that you delete.