How to Add and Resolve a Status Review Date

Status review dates are useful for many situations when you need to be reminded to review or update an animal's status after a certain amount of time.

For example, an animal may be on a stray hold and needs to be removed in seven days. To do this, you can add a review date seven days from now to the animal's stray hold status.

In seven days, that animal will be displayed in Tasks under the Status Review tab. From there, you can update the animal's status and remove it from your status review task list.

What user permissions do I need to use status review dates?

  • Create & edit animal records (needed to add a review date)
  • Add medical data to animal records (needed to resolve a review date)

What do I need to configure before I add a status review date?


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How to Add a Status Review Date

Follow these steps to add a status review date to an animal record:

  1. From the animal record, click the outline-add-circle.svg Add Review Date button on the right side of the animal's status.
  2. Choose a date, add notes if needed, and click the green Save button.


How to Resolve a Status Review Date

Follow these steps to update an animal's status in Tasks:

  1. Click the outline-check-circle.svg Tasks button in your menu bar and then click the status.svg Status Review tab.
  2. Use the available filters (date range, Show Overdue toggle, and filter.svg Filters button) to update your task list as needed.
  3. Click the checkbox for each animal you need to update and click the green status.svg Update Status button.

    If you select multiple animals, ensure they are either all in custody or all in foster care. You cannot select multiple animals that are in custody and in foster care.
  4. In the Update Status form, choose a new status, add another review date if needed, and click the green Update Status button.

Update Status in Tasks.gif