How to Configure Your Field Services Jurisdictions and Zones

Jurisdictions and zones are unique to your organization and community. You can configure as many jurisdictions or zones as needed. Each Field & Community Services case or activity can be assigned at least one jurisdiction and one zone. 

Go to your Field Services module and click your Username > Configuration to get started.

What user permissions do I need to configure my Field Services jurisdictions and zones?

  • Field & Community Services access (Shelterluv user permission to access the module)
  • Can edit configuration (Field Services module user permission)


Jurisdictions are typically the counties, townships, special districts, cities, towns, or boroughs that your organization serves.

Enable or disable a jurisdiction by clicking the eye show.svg on the right-hand side of the jurisdiction. Add a new jurisdiction by clicking the red + Add New button.



Zones relate to the areas where you respond to calls.

Enable or disable a zone by clicking the eye show.svg on the right-hand side of the zone. Add a new zone by clicking the red + Add New button.


If you need assistance with editing, deleting, or re-ordering your zones or jurisdictions, please contact