Below you will find the complete list of cat breeds that are available to you in your Shelterluv account.
Abyssinian |
American Bobtail |
American Curl |
American Shorthair |
American Wirehair |
Balinese |
Bengal |
Birman |
Bombay |
British Shorthair |
Burmese |
Chartreux |
Colorpoint Shorthair |
Cornish Rex |
Cymric |
Devon Rex |
Domestic Longhair |
Domestic Medium Hair |
Domestic Shorthair |
Egyptian Mau |
Exotic Longhair |
Exotic Shorthair |
Extra-Toes Cat (Hemingway Polydactyl) |
Havana Brown |
Himalayan |
Japanese Bobtail |
Javanese |
Korat |
Laperm |
Maine Coon |
Manx |
Munchkin |
Nebelung |
Norwegian Forest Cat |
Ocicat |
Oriental Long Hair |
Oriental Short Hair |
Persian |
Pixie-Bob |
Ragamuffin |
Ragdoll |
Russian Blue |
Scottish Fold |
Selkirk Rex |
Siamese |
Siberian |
Singapura |
Snowshoe |
Somali |
Sphynx |
Tonkinese |
Turkish Angora |
Turkish Van |