Adding or removing attributes from an animal record in Shelterluv is quick and easy to do with the attributes section on an animal record's profile.
To learn more about Shelterluv's default, fixed animal attributes, please read How to Configure Your Attributes
What user permissions do I need to add an attribute to an animal record?
- Create & edit animal records
What do I need to configure before I add attributes to an animal record?
Configuration is only accessible through a desktop or laptop. You cannot access the Configuration section on a mobile device.
Prefer watching over reading? Check out the video below!
Adding and Removing Attributes on an Animal Record
- From the animal record, click the Edit Attributes button in the top right corner of the animal's profile.
- Click the toggles on or off any of your configured attributes to add or remove them from the record.
Adding Attributes to Multiple Animal Records at the Same Time
Adding the same attribute(s) to multiple animal records can be done in bulk using the Edit Multiple tool on the main dashboard page. You can find details on how to use this tool by reading How to Use Edit Multiple.